Demian Rosas Ham

3 enero, 1981 - 25 enero, 2021


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Nombre Demian Rosas Ham
Fecha de nacimiento 3 enero, 1981
Fecha de defunción 25 enero, 2021
Ciudad de origen Mexico City, CDMX, MX 
Otra ciudad Redwood City, CA, US 


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Ctm published a tribute .

It’s been three years……“We’re expected to go back to work immediately, keep moving, to get on with our lives. But it doesn’t work that way. We need time to move through the pain of loss. We need to step into it, really to get to know it, to learn”
― Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief Through the Five Stages of Loss

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Miriam published a tribute .

Hace unos días le inventaba a mi hijo un cuento de un niño que practicaba basquetbol en un aro pequeño y sin tablero y eso me llevó a mandar un correo para saber de ti, la respuesta que no llegó me hizo buscarte y de pronto estoy aquí, amigo sigo asimilando que de alguna forma ya no estás. Agradezco a Dios haber compartido contigo esa etapa de mi vida que tanto atesoro, agradezco tus consejos, tus regaños, tus bromas, tu actitud ante la vida que me inspira, y las enormes lecciones que tu precipitada y por ahora incompresible partida me están dando, gracias por tanto Demian. Te mando un fuerte abrazo.

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Ctm published a tribute .

When we have done all the work we were sent to do, we are allowed to shed our bodies, which imprisons our soul like a cocoon encloses the butterfly and when the time is right, we can let go of it. Then we will be free of pain, free of fears and free of worries-- free as a beautiful butterfly returning home to God. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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Ctm published a tribute .

To live in the hearts, we leave behind is not to die. ~Thomas Campbell.

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Jessica published a tribute .

I got to meet Demian through the Oracle new hires activities. He was so kind and gentle. I am so sad that both he and his father passed away from Covid. I hope his brother and mother finds solace that he was a light in so many people's lives. Thank you for raising such an amazing son!

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Mikel Lujan published a tribute .

Dear Demian,

We met and collaborated during your PhD at Manchester. It was a pleasure to interact with you; you always had a smile on your face and such positive attitude. It was very difficult to hear the sad news, and it has taken me too long to write these words.

Un abrazo y mi mas sentido pesame para toda tu familia, Mikel

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Ftm published a tribute .

Aún sigue siendo impactante saber que nunca más me ayudarás para poder regañar a mi hermana o simplemente para burlarnos de cualquier tema irrelevante. Aún no sé porque se quedan ciertas personas en este mundo y a otras se las lleva, pero lo que sí me queda claro es que tú eras mucho para este mundo y por eso necesitabas más espacio para ser libre. No tengo más que decirte que "GRACIAS", por TODO. Por permitirme haber formado parte de las personas que se toparon contigo en esta vida. Hasta pronto Demian.

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Angélica published a tribute .

Demian, no encuentro palabras suficientes para describir lo que significas en mi vida y la falta que me vas a hacer. Eras un grande y ahora serás legendario... Gracias y nos vemos mi muy querido hermano.

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Preethi published a tribute .

Very sad to hear this news. Rest in peace Demian. Deepest condolences and prayers to your family to get all the strength in these times.

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Xime published a tribute .

Un abrazo afectuoso a la familia y seres querid@s. Agradezco haber conocido a Demian. Un abrazo al cielo

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Alfredo Estrada published a tribute .

Demian, nuestro muy estimado alumno de Sistemas Digitales en la UAM-A. Siempre compartimos contigo tu alegría y entusiasmo por cada nueva aventura que emprendías. Pasará el tiempo pero siempre continuaremos sintiéndonos orgullosos de ti. Descansa en paz.

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Flor Maria Melendez (Mealey) published a tribute .

My Primo, I'm so sorry to hear you have your wings. I know your with my, mom and family, as well as with your dad. Prayers to my cousin, Kia and Raul jr and my family in Mexico.
Rest in Heaven

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Angela published a tribute .

I will always remember Demian - he was so friendly, cheerful, and kind. It was a privilege to work with him. Mi más sentido pésame para toda su familia y amigos y amigos. Descansa en paz Demian.

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Zia published a tribute .

Demian always had a big smile, and always the first one to say Hello! Thankful, and will always remember for having such a nice and loving colleague. RIP.

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Diana published a tribute .

Demian, como una estrellas fugaz fue tu andar en este camino en donde fuiste parte de nosotros en alguna etapa de nuestras vidas. Tu partida deja un gran vacío en cada uno de nuestros corazones y se que nos cuidarás desde un lugar hermoso y prepararán una gran fiesta cuando podamos reunirnos, no es un adiós sino un hasta pronto.

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Ctm published a tribute .

You have escaped the cage. Your wings are stretched out. Now fly like a free soul!

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Sandeep published a tribute .

Very sad news. Damien was very nice. We would see each other now on then on an afternoon walk, and then walk together, sometimes changing directions to give each other company when we walked in opposite directions.I remember that on one of our walks, I asked Damien about his hometown, and he said it was in Mexico. I then mentioned to him that my sister loved to take her kids to Puerto Vallarta(as I remember now) in Mexico, because it was really kids friendly.They absolutely loved the place. My sister and her family went there at least 2 or 3 times and I had made a couple of trips to the airport to drop and pick them up, a few years ago. I had also asked Damien if there were other interesting places to see in Mexico and Damien suggested a few to me that I don't remember now since it was a while ago. Damien always grinned when we saw each other. I will miss seeing Damien,and his smile, and will always remember our walking together, and enjoying his company on my walks.I have lost a good friend. My deepest condolences to Damien's family. Damien, RIP.

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Átef published a tribute .

Vaya con Dios.

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Jesus published a tribute .

solo buenos recuerdos me quedan de ti, hay una imagen de las pocas que tengo de cuando era muy niño y es ir corriendo de la mano con Raul y contigo, hoy me doy cuenta cuantas oportunidades de volver a tomar tu mano perdi y ahora quisiera haber aprovechado alguna de ellas, solo quiero poderte abrazar si alguna vez nos volvemos a encontrar, te quiero, a donde quiera que estes

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Maria published a tribute .

RIP Damien. Your smile will always be with us.

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Vimal Satheesh published a tribute .

Very sad to hear this. One of the most positive, cheerful, open and friendly souls I have met. We lost a great co-worker and friend - always smiling and always ready to help; Will remember the lunch, the walk around the lake and the quick coffee discussions with a side of small cake and Big smile. You will be missed.

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Marcela Jimenez publicó un comentario .

Fue un orgullo ser tu tía y compartir con tus papás y contigo parte de tus triunfos ,sueños e ilusiones siento que todo en tu corta vida lo lograste ,brillaste más que nadie,descansa demián te quiero

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Atzimba Lugo Rosas published a tribute .

Demian, dejas un gran vacío y dolor en la familia, te vamos a extrañar vuela alto y brilla en el cielo como siempre lo hiciste, te quiero.

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Raúl Rosas Ham published a tribute .

Demian, eres el mejor hermano que se podía tener. Siempre fue un orgullo ser tu hermano y compartir 40 años tu cariño. Aún no sé que voy a hacer sin ti. Sé que descansarás en paz en el cielo, pero vivirás siempre en mi mente y en mi corazón. ¡Te amo mucho hermano!
Raúl Rosas H.

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Siddhartha publicó un comentario .

Demian fuiste un maravilloso sobrino
Dejas un hueco muy difícil de llenar te estrañare por siempre descansa en paz

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Zorayda Alcázar published a tribute .

Querido sobrino, aunque sólo nos vimos cuando eras pequeño, deseo de corazón que hayas tenido una vida hermosa llena de satisfacciones y la huella que dejaste en todos aquellos que tuvieron la fortuna de conocerte, se quedará para siempre. Que brille para ti la luz perpetua por siempre

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Aleida Alcázar published a tribute .

Descanse en paz nuestro querido sobrino. Sentimos mucho su penosa partida, y deseamos que toda la familia reciba el consuelo, la fortaleza y la paz que, solo Dios puede dar en estas situaciones de gran dolor!!! Nuestro más humilde y sentido pésame para toda la familia!!! Dios te reciba en sus Divinos Brazos y seas contados entre los Benditos de Dios al lado de todos sus santos!!! Amén!!!

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Sergio Rosas published a tribute .

Mi Dr. Demian Rosas. La inteligencia y sencilles unidas en un solo cuerpo. Fuiste, eres y seguirás siendo un ejemplo y un orgullo que caracteriza a esta familia. Un genio como tu siempre deja un hueco que jamás nadie llenará. Ahora tu cuerpo y alma descansan, pero tu recuerdo estará siempre unido por el amor de familia que siempre estará contigo. Descansa en paz sobrino. Ya está al lado de tu padre y abuelos...

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Raquel Patino Rosas publicó un comentario .

Que descanses empaz sobrino ya estas con tu papa y abuelitos dejan un vacío en los corazones de la familia y de tu mama y tu hermano siempre te recordaremos un abrazo para todos y pronta resignación

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Blancaorquidea Ham Jimenez published a tribute .

Demian,un orgullo el haberte tenido como hijo.Siempre positivo, siempre logrando tus metas .Nunca te dabas por vencido.En ti siempre encontre no solo a mi hijo sino a una persona que me sabia entender y alentar. Te amo mi niño. Que Dios ilumine tu camino y que encuentres la paz eterna.Te amo.

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Hermann published a tribute .

I will always remember you as one of the friendliest, happiest people that I ever had the pleasure to work with. Everybody will remember you that way. You will not forgotten. It's an honor to having been called your work-friend. Rest in peace.

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Huagang published a tribute .

I am so shocked to hear this very sad news and still trying to process it. I wish this was not true. You were such a nice guy and were patient to explain PQ related questions when I went to ask you. I will miss seeing you walking home along the trail during evenings when I drove along the campus road heading home too. Demian, RIP. My deepest condolences to your family!

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Arvind Shukla published a tribute .

I am so shocked and grieved to hear this. Demian was always gentle and smiling. Rest in peace my friend. My deepest condolences to your family!

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Esra published a tribute .

Gone but not forgotten, you will always be in our hearts Demian.

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Lei publicó un comentario .

Demian, you are one of the most friendly people I've ever met. Seeing you always made me smile. I will miss you a lot. Rest in peace, my friend. My deepest condolences to your family!

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Colin published a tribute .

I’m shocked when I hear the terrible news today. I can still remember clearly the last time we met in the Mongolian hot pot. I will forever remember the years we work together at Oracle. May you rest in peace.

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Esra published a tribute .

I met Demian at Oracle OCH more than 8 years ago. We went for walks around the lake and it was a delight to chat with Demian. His positive attitude was contagious. Sometimes he would be my "therapist" by listening to me with patience. He always lifted the mood of people around him. After we no longer worked together, we did not lose touch. If anything, we have gotten closer, we have traveled together frequently, then Demian became my travel partner. He was always ready for any adventure. It is hard to accept that Demian is no longer with us. I will miss him. I will miss his genuine laugh from the bottom of his heart. I will miss his positive uplifting spirit. I am a lucky person to have gotten to know you Demian. May you rest in peace.

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Wayne published a tribute .

I will miss seeing you on your brisk Oracle walks -- it was very inspiring. Farewell, Demian. RIP.

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Hong published a tribute .

Dear Demian, my heart is sinking. The tragic news remind us how ephemeral life can be. I feel I could still hear your contagious laugh. You are such a great person with upbeat spirit and never fading enthusiasm. May you be with your guarding angel.

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Ramesh published a tribute .

Very saddened to hear the news. Demian friendly nature and warm smile will be missed sorely. I will miss interacting with him on daily walks around Oracle lake. My deepest condolences to Demian's family and friends.

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Paris published a tribute .

I still cannot believe what happened. Demian, you are one of the nicest people I ever met. Humble, positive, approachable and focused. You are an amazing guy and a true friend. I will always remember the good times we had in Manchester. You will be truly missed. Rest in peace man.

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Shuo Chen published a tribute .

It is hard to believe and accept the fact. Demian, I remember the time you helped me on my work, answered my questions and invited me for lunch. I remember you shared your time and knowledge for our discussion in the late night. I also remember the enjoyable time we watched movies, nba, and went hiking outside office. Thank you for all the supports and helps you offer to everyone. You were kind, friendly and optimistic. Rest in peace! You'll be always missed and remembered.

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Zheng Xie published a tribute .

Sad, really sad. Demian's big smile is always in my nice memory of APT, warm and friendly. Keep smiling, Demian, wherever you go.

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Vincent published a tribute .

Cannot believe it. Still remember the time when we played basketball together in UK. May he rest in peace.

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Shirley published a tribute .

Still feel shocked. Damian is such a nice guy. We will miss you with all memory from Manchester.

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Roman published a tribute .

You were one of the most cheerful people on my floor and were happy to invite me to your circle of collegues and lunch time friends when I was just starting at oracle. This is a terrible loss to those who's lives you have touched. I am going to miss you, I am so sorry for you and your family.

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Russell published a tribute .

I loved how you laughed. I will miss you.

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Chandrajith Unnithan published a tribute .

This is shocking and devastating news to me. I had the opportunity to  work with Demian closely in the same close-knit group for about three+ years since he joined Oracle. He always had the same friendly and warm smile all these years, and I will cherish all the wonderful times we had with him at work and during many group outings. Wishing his family and friends all the strength at this tragic time. Back from a trip from Mexico, Demian was happy to tell me once  that  his parents were traveling to Machu Picchu that time while they were physically stronger, and I am sure Demian would be wishing the same today as well!

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Krishna published a tribute .

It is very sad to hear this news. You are such a wonderful person to work with. Rest In Peace Damien. My deepest condolences to the entire family and friends!

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Kantikiran published a tribute .

Terrible and shocking news. You clearly stood out as a very warm and helpful person. We lost a great co-worker and friend. I hope your family gets the strength they need to deal with your loss.

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Jonathan Park published a tribute .

One of the most positive and cheerful souls I've met. May you rest in peace Demian.

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Zhiqi Qiu published a tribute .

So very sorry to learn of Demian's passing. We've only exchanged emails through work but Demian was always knowledgeable and helpful. Please accept my deep condolences to his family.

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Sabina Petride published a tribute .

Very sad and shocking news, and very sorry for Damian's family. Damian was one of the most positive, humble and friendly people I have worked with. He will be missed.

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Can Tuzla published a tribute .

Still can't believe the news I heard today. We met nearly 8 years ago when I first joined Oracle as an intern. You are one of the nicest and kindest people I've ever met. Always willing to help others with a smile on your face. This is really terrible news. You'll be missed my friend.

Rest in peace Demian!

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Mukaram Khan published a tribute .

Rest in peace Demian. May God shower his blessing on you.

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Shufan Yang published a tribute .

I am lost for words. I always remember your big smile when you sit at the end of IT302. You helped us when we got lost in Barcelona on our summer school trip. You will be sorely missed.

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Eustace published a tribute .

So very saddened by the untimely passing away of Demian. I remember you as 'Always with a smile and ready to help'. Praying for the repose of Demian's soul and for the strength to bear this irreparable loss for his loved ones.

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Geoffrey published a tribute .

I am lost for words. Demian is gone but never forgotten. I have fond memories of our student days at the University of Manchester. Rest in peace, mate.

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Thomas Sharp published a tribute .

Nine years on, I remember Demian's smile and brightness vividly. The APT group at Manchester where we studied felt like an extended family, and still does, and Demian reflected that warmth with his own. I'm terribly saddened to have lost one of us, and I send my condolences to his family.

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Daniel Goodman published a tribute .

Dear Demian,
I am truly sorry to hear about your passing and my heart goes out to those you leave behind.

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María Elena published a tribute .

Dearest Demian - 10 years of our friendship. I still remember you coming to have breakfast with Claudia at our Hall in Manchester back in 2009. And all the good moments we went through together us three - always laughing and always making me feel that I was at home. Always so proud of you working in Oracle and how happy I was to be able to visit you there as you showed me your campus. I just can’t believe it Demian. You are in my heart always, and I will cherish our moments together. I know you are in a better place my dear friend. Rest In Peace.

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Yuying Zhang published a tribute .

As your office neighbor, I couldn’t believe you have left... Just found that you remembered my birthday and left me a message on LinkedIn, the gesture is so Demian, warm and kind. I was so lucky to have you aside in day to day life, your optimistic personality and positive mindset inspire me a lot. Rest In Peace, my friend. Your energetic voice and warm smile will be remembered.

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Matt H published a tribute .

Demian, it was with great sadness that I learned of your passing this week. Our paths overlapped in Manchester when I was in the process of completing my PhD and you were just starting yours in the APT research group. You were full of enthusiasm, had a passion to absorb and understand everyone's work and it was a pleasure to talk with you and listen to your ideas. I was so pleased to see that you found yourself in Oracle and able to continue to work on topics that you had a passion for. My deepest condolences to your family and friends.

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Ian Watson published a tribute .

Terrible news. I was Demian's PhD advisor at Manchester. One couldn't wish to meet a more friendly and cheerful person, he was a pleasure to work with. May I send my deepest condolences to his family and friends. I hadn't seen him since he left Manchester but I still feel a great sense of loss.

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Varun T published a tribute .

I am shocked and saddened with this news. Having worked with Demian over the last few years I remember clearly the discussions we had in person, over the phone. You were always so positive and knowledgeable. You had a smile and such a positive attitude towards any problem.
I offer my deepest condolences to your family and friends. I pray to God to give your closed ones strength during these sad times. May your soul rest in peace my friend.

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Cheng published a tribute .

So shocked to learn this, I remembered we used to chat a lot in the hallway, you will be missed, RIP my dear friend.

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Sashila published a tribute .

Dear Demian, I could not believe this. I still remember our amazing time in Manchester where we all had so much fun chatting for hours in coffee shops and our houses eating lovely Mexican food prepared by you two. You are such an amazing person and I know how much you have helped Isuru. We are going to missed you my friend.

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Erica published a tribute .

So shocked to know this sad news. I still remember the days chatting with you in CA office. You were such a nice person and we will miss you. Rest In Peace.

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Hui published a tribute .

Demian, it is such a shock and tragedy to know your departure. Cannot imagine it was the last time when we met each other at Seattle Airport 15 months ago. You will always be missed for your positive and optimistic personality. Rest In Peace my friend.

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Yi published a tribute .

So shocked to hear the sad news. I still remember the days we worked together. You are so diligent and positive about almost everything, be healthy and happy in your life and work. You will be missed! Rest In Peace.

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Cathy Liu published a tribute .

Hard to accept the deplorable truth that you've left us.... I still remember the day when you interviewed me, the time when you invited us to have a group lunch, the time when you helped and answered my question, the moment that you smiled and said hello to me when you were running around the lake. You were so warm, friendly and energetic.
Rest in peace! You'll be remembered.

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Madhuri published a tribute .

Demian, I find it hard to believe that you are no more. I am at a loss for words when I try to explain what an amazing person you were. Being a mentor to all the new hires, you generously shared your time and knowledge with anyone who needed it and didn’t mind however long the discussion went. To me you were more of a friend than a colleague and a great support, professionally and personally. I can’t express in words how much I am going to miss you. I’m particularly going to miss walking together around Oracle office and having coffee at the 300 café. I can’t seem to say goodbye to you. I will always remember you.

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Nikhil published a tribute .

Demian, may your soul rest in peace. I am deeply shocked by this sudden news. You have been a great mentor and friend. I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from you and grow as an engineer. My deepest condolences to your family and friends.

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Patrick published a tribute .

We became friends when we met on an Oracle new hire event at the Zoo 8 years ago, I directly felt I had met someone unique. Thank you for all good moments we spent in the bay. Your positiveness will always be an inspiration for me.

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Yash published a tribute .

Since I started working, Demian has been a very supportive and great mentor. He has helped me grow in work and personally. He was my lunch buddy of every day before the COVID-19 lockdown. I am grateful to have him as a friend and a mentor. Work won't be the same without him. May his soul rest in peace and God gives his family strength to overcome the sorrow due to his sudden departure.

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Kavya published a tribute .

Rest In Peace Demian. I would always remember the time I spent learning about PQ from you.

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David Adan published a tribute .

Rest In Peace Damien, my deepest condolences to the whole family and friends!

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Amar published a tribute .

Demian, I am shocked!!! You are knowledgeable, a good listener and, accommodative. Rest in Peace!!! My heart goes out to your family. May God give strength to your family to come out of the great sorrow!!!

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Solomon published a tribute .

I remember we had so much fun when we went to the Legion of Honor sculpture museum. RIP Demian.

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Isuru published a tribute .

Demian, it's hard to believe, cannot put my words together. Our time in Manchester is truly memorable. You were very friendly to me when I was lost in IT 302, on my first day. Times we shared, your laughter, your easy going attitude towards any thing, our lunches.. still seem like a dream.. rest in peace brother

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Beethoven Cheng published a tribute .

Demian, you will be missed, both on the 7th floor and on the road.

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